Next Stop Israel!

Man 1:

Man 2: Good morning, sir.

Man 1: Don't mean to be a bother, but is this where the Antisemitism gathering is?

Man 2: What? No sir, I'm sorry but no, it's not.

Man 1: Really? I coulda sworn I saw y'all had a sign out there in front of the building?

Man 2: Do you mean our "Next Stop Israel!" sign, sir?

Man 1: Yeah, that's right. Your "Next Stop Israel!" sign.

Man 2: Forgive me sir, but I fail to see how that gives you the impression that this is an Antisemitism gathering place.

Man 1: Well, I mean, it's as the sign says: "Next, Stop Israel!"

Man 2: "Next, Stop Israel!"?

Man 1: "Next, Stop Israel!" That's right.

Man 2: Oh no sir, that's not a "Next, Stop Israel!" sign.

Man 1: It's not?

Man 2: No sir, it's more of a "Next Stop: Israel!" sign.

Man 1: Oh, "Next Stop: Israel!"?

Man 2: That's right sir: This is a synagogue. Our youth group is planning a visit to the Holy Land this September.

Man 1: Is that right?

Man 2: Yes sir.

Man 1: Oh, well...boy! My face is mighty red, partner!

Man 2: Please sir, there's no need to feel badly.

Man 1: Aw man, I bet you're probably Jewish, too.

Man 2: Yes sir, I am.

Man 1: Gosh, I really didn't mean any offense. It's just that there's no punctuation on the sign at all, except for the exclamation mark. I thought it was saying, "OK, next on this list, let's see...ah, here it is: Stop Israel!"

Man 2: Ah, yes. That's true. I can see how its intention could be ambiguous.

Man 1: Boy I'll say.

Man 2: ...

Man 1: ...

Man 2: ...

Man 1: So what's the matter, you Jews don't want to cough up the cash for a colon?

Man 2: ...

Man 1: ...

Man 2: Hahaha!

Man 1:
Haha, I'm just kidding.

Man 2: Hahaha, yes - very funny, sir. Very funny. I liked it.

Man 1: OK, well then, you take care buddy, ya hear?

Man 2: Likewise, sir. Likewise.

Man 1: Oh, just one more thing.

Man 2: Of course, sir.

Man 1: You wouldn't know where that Antisemitism rally is, would you?

Man 2: Indeed I do, sir. It's the building right next door with the "Jews are Devils" sign in front of it. Can't miss it.

Man 1: Great. Bye then.

Man 2: Take care, sir.

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